Monday, February 7, 2011

Left Vs. Right

                Before I took the dominance test, I decided to read the information on both the left and right sides of the brain first to see if I could guess which side of the brain I use the most.  After comparing both sides, I was sure that I use the left side of my brain (the analytical side) much more than I use the right side of my brain (the artistic side).  Although I am an artsy person, the “organized, neat, step-by-step” me sometimes takes over me.  I constantly make lists and get a great sense of satisfaction when I can cross something off of my list.  I am always making sure that I have my license and debit card in my wallet and my wallet has to be in a very specific part of my pocket book.  The magazines on my desk have to be aligned straight with the end of my desk.  I’ll admit that I do not make my bed and once in a while I will throw my dirty clothes on the floor, but more often than not I am extremely organized and get upset when some things look messy or out of place.  These are just a few things in my daily life that I took into consideration when deciding which side of the brain I use the most.
                After taking the dominance test, the results showed that I answered 10 questions right to a right-brained person and 8 questions to a left-brained person.  Before taking the test, I guessed that I would answer at least 14 questions right to a left-brained person.  I was very surprised at those results.  Certain hands-on projects are easier for me however I do need some type of step-by-step lecture to go along with it.  However, illustrating my notes is something that I do and that is no doubt a right-brained task.  I am going to have to be more aware of what I do day by day to see exactly when and where my right-brained tendencies seem to kick in.
                Once I read about the right side of the brain and learned that I use that side of my brain a bit more than the left side, I was a little offended because of the things that were said about the right side.  For instance, it is very rare that I hand in late assignments and the mention of spelling does not make me “cringe.”  However, that is just me personally.  Nevertheless, I am not at all upset that I use the right side of my brain just as much as the left side.  When I started senior year of High School, I became “too” organized and on task with things.  For example, as soon as I got an assignment, I would be finished with it as soon as possible.  If it was due in one month, I would need to start it the day that it was assigned.  Although that is not necessarily a bad thing, it got in the way with other things and other school work.  I even thought that I had a bit of OCD in me.  I didn’t like being so on top of things all of the time, so for the past year, I have been trying to be a bit more lenient with myself and my tasks.  I learned that I do not need to plan my whole life ahead of time and it is okay to be a bit random at times.
                I am glad that according to the Hemispheric Dominance test, I basically use the left side of my brain just as often as the right side.  It proves to me that I am both analytical and artistic- I think about the consequences of the things that I do (or don’t do) however I’m creative and original when I do things.

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