Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Elizabeth Dworak
April 22, 2011
Idea Development
Professor Betty Sánchez
            Everyday, society is introduced to many different products and services.  From Snuggies to cars that can parallel park themselves, humans are surrounded by it all.  However, there is one product that the world has been waiting for and has just recently been marketed – HEAL RINGS.  Decrease the time and effort to heal your new piercing with medically endorsed HEAL RINGS.  Our special formula consists of Tea Tree Oil: an essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia, a plant native to Australia, Benzalkonium Chloride: first aid antiseptic, and Lidocaine HCL: pain relieving spray.  This formula, which is coated outside of the earring, is automatically released into the skin after being pierced.  HEAL RINGS are available for all kinds of piercings and are safe and effective for all ages.  The dose of medicinal ingredient is determined by the age and weight of patient.
            HEAL RINGS are located at any piercing venue in the tri-state area, as well as doctors’ offices.  Information on HEAL RINGS is available at website www.healrings.com or when calling 1-800-HEA-LRNG.  Forgetting to clean a piercing is very common, as well as infections.  With HEAL RINGS, healing and cleaning starts as soon as the piercing penetrates the skin.  Piercing solutions are a lot of money and they promise that the piercing will heal faster and safer and many people end up with no positive or effective results.  HEAL RINGS ensure guaranteed results; they are doctor recommended and mother approved.
            The price of HEAL RINGS depends on the piercing getting done.  Any piercing done in the ear is $10 per piercing (lobe, cartilage, tragus, etc.) plus the cost of the jewelry.  Nose piercings, belly button piercings, and eyebrow piercings are $15 per piercing plus the cost of the jewelry.  Any lip piercings and tongue piercings are $20 per piercing plus the cost of the jewelry.  Any other piercing is considered a “special” piercing and the cost of “special” piercings will be $25 per piercing plus the cost of the jewelry.
            One of the first, and most significant, things that was done when considering how to market HEAL RINGS was to find the target audience.  “Nothing is more important in building an effective media plan than properly defining the target audience” (Jugenheimer, Kelly 59).  Defining a target audience is sometimes more difficult than one can imagine.  Although the advertisement of a product is promoted for all to see, the advertisement should essentially reach out to the target audience.  HEAL RINGS has two target audiences- young adults from the ages of about 18-24 and mothers of young children.
Piercings are very popular among young adults, both male and female, aged 18-24 for many reasons.  First of all, many young adults think that piercings look cool and it is a way for them to express themselves.  Also, unlike tattoos, piercings are reversible so people know that if it is just not working for them, they can take the piercing out.  Getting piercings is also a way for young adults to, for the most part innocently, rebel against their parents, which most young adults do when they get to that age.  18 is the legal age for someone to get a piercing without their parents’ consent, so many people feel a sense of freedom at that age and do decide to get a piercing.  HEAL RINGS will attract young adults 18-24 because they will not only help the piercing heal properly, but it will heal much faster which is important to this age group, especially if it is their first piercing.
Mothers of young children are also a target audience for HEAL RINGS.  Many parents (usually the mother) decide to get their baby’s (mostly daughters’) ears pierced when they are very young.  According to Robert Steele, an MD board certified pediatrician at Saint John’s Regional Health Center, “There are many reasons parents decide to have their daughter's ears pierced.  There are cultural reasons, family traditions, personal preference, or sometimes it is simply used to identify the baby as a girl” (iVillage).  HEAL RINGS will reach out to mothers with young babies on many different levels.  If a mother is deciding whether or not to get their baby’s ears pierced, HEAL RINGS is a sure way to convince them that the piercing will heal quickly and effectively.  Nothing will convince a caring parent more when they are convinced that their baby will be well taken care of and they will experience no pain.
Like previously stated, there are many piercing solutions marketed that promise results.  However, their results are not always guaranteed and some people still end up with harmful infections.  Although there is no product out there that has medicinal ointment coated outside of the earring to help heal faster and safer, competition still exists.  The only competition HEAL RINGS has is traditional piercing solution.  H2Ocean piercing aftercare spray ($15), Blue Wave saline cleansing solution piercing aftercare ($6), and Studex piercing care solution ($5) are the three main piercing solutions that HEAL RINGS have competition with.  Although different people have their own views on whether or not to trust or use these products, those who do decide to use these piercing solutions should think of all of the advantages HEAL RINGS can offer compared to these traditional piercing solutions.  HEAL RINGS is a onetime use product and consumers would not have to worry about cleaning the piercing three times daily, which most piercing solutions advise one to do.  HEAL RINGS is also just a flat payment, and one does not have to constantly keep buying piercing solutions over and over again, trying to find out which one works.  HEAL RINGS is an affordable and guaranteed solution that will blow away all of the other piercing solutions out there!
After figuring out the target audience, it is then ready to advertise.  Advertising and creating buzz is the most effective way to gain customers.  “Building buzz is the art of creating awareness and spreading positive word of mouth about the value [one] provides to clients and customers” (D’Vari 21).  Three main advertisements for HEAL RINGS will now be discussed- a newspaper advertisement, a brochure advertisement, and a diner placemat advertisement.
There are many reasons why HEAL RINGS are being advertised in newspapers; newspapers reach people quickly, target  your audience depending where you place the ad, have great credibility, are relied upon, and results are shown with newspapers!  According to the Newspaper Association of America, “We cannot lose track of the notion that, in a world of thousands of messages a day, advertising in newspapers is one sure thing when it comes to producing results” (NAA.org).  For the newspaper advertisement, it is necessary for HEAL RINGS to advertise to the mother of babies’ target audience.  Not many young adults aged 18-24 read the newspaper and if they happen to cross by the ad, then that is just a bonus.

First, HEAL RINGS will just be advertised in The Star Ledger, a New Jersey local newspaper.  Prices drop at an increasing rate when advertising locally as opposed to nationally.  Since HEAL RINGS is a new product and the successfulness of this product is uncertain, it is smart to first advertise locally and then, if necessary, advertise nationally.  HEAL RINGS will be advertised in The Star-Ledger, which is based in Newark.  HEAL RINGS will be advertised in the service/marketplace of The Star Ledger and will be a quarter of the page (black and white).  The advertising cost of The Star Ledger, both print and online, is $150 for 7 days online and up to five photos, and 7 days in print with one photo ($9.99 each additional photo per day) and six lines of text ($4.99 each additional line per day).  All together, it would cost 150+[10(4.99)(7)]+9.99(7) = 150+349.30+69.93 = $569.23 for one week.  For one month (four weeks) advertising HEAL RINGS in The Star Ledger would cost $2,276.92.

HEAL RINGS will also be advertised as a brochure located in doctors’ offices.  This would aim towards both of HEAL RINGS’ target audiences.  The design of the brochure would already be designed so hiring a graphic designer would not be necessary.  www.brochuresprintingonline.com is the place that HEAL RINGS brochures would be printed out of.  The specifications of the brochure would by 8.5x11 in. with a trifold folding.  100 lb. Matte paper would be used and the brochure would be printed on both sides of the paper.  5,000 copies of the brochure would be made and they would be done within 5 days.  With all of the specifications listed, it would cost $527.04 for the brochures to be printed.  Although color and pictures do not matter, there would be three colored pictures in the middle-center of the brochure and some color, but not much, throughout the brochure.

The third way HEAL RINGS will be advertised is by diner placemats.  I have contacted a local diner in Edison, New Jersey that I often go to that have placemats full of advertisements.  It is a 24/7 diner and their rate for a 2 in. by 3 in. rectangular space is $95 a month, averaging at about $23 per week ($3.30 a day, $0.14 an hour).  When you think of it that way, if HEAL RINGS gained even just one customer per day on a regular ear piercing, HEAL RINGS would profit $9.86.  However, there will be a coupon on the ad for $3 off if you bring the ad.  Coupons are a great way to lure new customers in and it gives them an incentive to look into HEAL RINGS.
Anyone and everyone comes to diners on a daily basis, whether it is old friends catching up, a couple grabbing a quick bite before a movie, an elderly couple coming in after church, a family of four for their Saturday dinner- the list is endless.  Placing an ad on placemats can reach hundreds, if not thousands, of people per week.  After ordering food, it takes on average about fifteen minutes for the food to come.  Society today is always multi-tasking and it is often hard to sit down and have a fifteen minute conversation without doing something else, whether it be playing with a phone, watching the flat screen TV on the wall, or hopefully, reading the diner placemats.  According to Placemats Plus Service, “The potential client doesn't have to do anything to learn that your business exists.  In fact, you may trigger a need that the client didn't know he/she had before seeing your ad” (Placemats Plus Service).  The website will also be on the ad, and with the amount of people, especially young adults (which is one of HEAL RINGS’ main target audiences), who have smart phones, it is very easy for them to go to the HEAL RINGS website to check it out (WEBSITE WILL BE CREATED ON WIX, which is a website that allows you to create your own website absolutely free).  Advertising on diner placemats is such an easy and inexpensive way to show off HEAL RINGS, and I believe the profit that HEAL RINGS makes will definitely outweigh the cost to advertise, even with the coupon on the ad.

I believe that these three very different ways of advertising HEAL RINGS will go very far; they will reach many potential customers.  A newspaper ad, a brochure, and a diner placemat ad reach a broad range of people, as well as HEAL RINGS’ target audiences.  The colors of the logo are red and blue.  The color red is used to draw attention.  Red is where the eye looks first and it is sometimes used to create energy and cause excitement.  Blue is a color that is often described as being calm and peaceful.  It is one of the most popular colors and it is also known as giving off a sense of wisdom and loyalty.  The combination of these two colors were put into the medical logo to give the audience a sense of both peacefulness and excitement.

With these advertisements, HEAL RINGS will have their name out there in no time.  Although HEAL RINGS may benefit from having their ads on billboards and magazine ads in People and Cosmopolitan, as a starting product, money is limited.  It is smart to first get the product on the market and start advertising at a reasonable rate and then go from there to much larger advertising when financial issues are settled and money is readily available for advertising.  Promoting a new product is not as easy as it sounds, but with the right mind set, small ideas can go far!

Newspaper Ad (per month) $2,276.92
Brochure (5,000) $527.04
Diner Placemat Ad (per month) $95.00

Works Cited
D'Vari, Marisa. Building Buzz: How to Reach and Impress Your Target Audience. Franklin
Lakes, NJ: Career, 2005
Kelley, Larry D., and Donald W. Jugenheimer. Advertising Media Planning: a Brand
            Management Approach. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2008.
"Place Classified Ads in New Jersey Local Classifieds & Newspaper Ads - NJ.com." New Jersey
 Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - NJ.com. 2011. 15 Apr. 2011.

"Placemats Plus Service, Inc. Placemat Advertising." Placemats Plus Service, Inc. 2011. 19 Apr.
 2011. <http://americanplacemats.com/PlacematAdvertising.php>.
Steele, Robert W. "Piercing Baby's Ears: Is It Safe? - IVillage." IVillage.com: Health, Beauty,
Pregnancy, Entertainment, Women's Community and More - IVillage. 2011. 14 Apr.
"Ten Reasons to Advertise in a Newspaper." NAA.ORG Homepage - Newspaper Association of

America: Advancing Newspaper Media for the 21st Century. 2011. 14 Apr. 2011.


"Trifold Brochures | Brochures Printing Online." Brochures Printing Online | Color Brochure
Printing Services. 2011. 15 Apr. 2011. <http://www.brochuresprintingonline.com/print/Trifold-Brochures.html>.

Welcome to The Star-Ledger - Real EZ Ads. 2011. Web. 15 Apr. 2011.
Web. 19 Apr. 2011. <http://carliseadvertising.com/>. (picture of diner placemat)

                                                                  NEWSPAPER AD

              BROCHURE:       right inside flap    back/middle      front cover


  inside left flap         inside middle         inside right flap
2 in. by 3 in. DINER PLACEMAT AD


1 comment:

  1. On the internet, you can do online local advertising easily, by sending a message in your local area network, or by asking your internet provider to give you a list of IP’s in your area to send them some adverts. I don’t know if that is legal or not, but I am sure that it will work.
