Friday, April 15, 2011

Presentation Day 4/15

The presentations that were done on Friday were all very well done!  Everyone’s presenting skills were very well, even though they were nervous.  There were a few products that were presented in an awesome way but the one that really stood out to me was Megan’s “Chocolate Covered Strawberries Fields” ice cream.  Megan was so enthusiastic about her presentation that it made me want to try the ice cream!  Strawberries are my favorite fruit and I love chocolate so mixing them together was a great idea.  Knowing that each strawberry is individually dipped in chocolate and then mixed in with vanilla ice cream sounded wonderful and something that I have never had before.  Her billboard was done very simply but very nicely; it would definitely catch my eye when I was driving.  Her magazine ad was also done very well; it was a fun ad and I thought it was a great idea that she was going to advertise it in The Food Network magazine.  Megan’s presentation was fun and done very well and her enthusiastic attitude made me want to go out and try Chocolate Covered Strawberry Fields ice cream!

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