Monday, April 25, 2011

Presentation Day 4/22

Once again, I believe all of the presentations were great!  The one product that was presented to us that I believe would be of most use for me was Quick Clean.  Since I am a college student, I think that Quick Clean would be awesome.  I always have tide to go in my pocketbook and I am constantly using it.  I also always use Febreeze on my clothes.  Quick Clean is a combination of these two things; a cleaner and stain fighter, and a spray that makes clothes smell fresh and clean.  She presented her information very well and I liked the demonstration that she did with the shirt.  Her billboard was, even though very plain and simple, very to the point.  I also thought it was a great idea to have three different sizes- a travel size, regular size, and family size.  That way you could take it with you wherever you go.  Quick Clean is marketed at an affordable price and it is something that I would definitely use so I won’t have to waste time and energy doing laundry!

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